Minneapolis | St. Paul

Tips & Articles

To minimize damage and extend the life of your countertops, walls, floors, and other surfaces, it’s important to have the information you need to take proper care of your natural stone, tile and grout, quartz, solid surfaces, and terrazzo.

These tips and articles address come common concerns about day-to-day maintenance, as well as a few not-so-common problems.

Marble Cleaning?

We get many calls from homeowners asking for Marble Cleaning services. While we do offer marble cleaning, we rarely find that what the customer is actually looking for is in fact ‘cleaning’ of their marble.

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Hollow tiles or cracking tiles and grout? Read this before ripping it all out.

When you walk across your tile and grout floor, does it sound more like cheap laminate? Or when you drop a spoon, does it sound like it’s landing on an empty container? Is your grout cracking? If so, some of your tiles may be in the process of separating from the underlayment. Before you rip it all out, read these simple and inexpensive possible solutions.

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