Minneapolis | St. Paul

Cowles Center

  • Cowles Ctr – after
  • Cowles Ctr – before

The problem

This historic marble floor at The Cowles Center for Dance and the Performing Arts in downtown Minneapolis had become yellowed, the grout was dirty, and the general appearance of the floor was uninviting, as you can see in the BEFORE image.

Our solution

We honed the marble floor to remove a very thin upper layer, virtually erasing damage and revealing the brand new stone underneath. To achieve the beautiful finish you see in the AFTER image, we polished the marble floor and cleaned the grout lines.

There’s hope for marble floors!

Time and use can take a toll on marble floors, but with professional restoration services, they can look brand new again.

Contact us online or call (763) 784-2483 today for a FREE estimate on marble floor polishing throughout St. Paul and Minneapolis.